About Building

In the construction field, you can order the following services:

  • Permission to access engineering networks or communication conditions, or issuance of a negative response,
  • Issuance of special requirements and issuance of a negative response,
  • Request for permission to construct a new building(s) / reconstruct building(s) / modernize a building(s) / perform major renovation / perform minor renovation / change the designated use / demolish a building and issuance of this permit or issuance of a negative response,
  • Request for permission to construct a new building(s) / reconstruct building(s) in the territorial waters, exclusive economic zone, and continental shelf of the Republic of Lithuania, or to construct a new building(s) / reconstruct building(s) designed for implementing a project of special national importance and issuance of this permit or issuance of a negative response,
  • Submission of notification to the public regarding prepared building project proposals and publication of data or issuance of a negative response,
  • Request for permission to construct a new building in the coastal zone and issuance of the permit or issuance of a negative response,
  • Request for permission to construct, reconstruct, perform major renovation, or demolish a nuclear energy facility building(s) and issuance of this permit or issuance of a negative response,
  • Submission of request for approval of project proposals and issuance of this approval or issuance of a negative response,
  • Submission of request to update data about the builder in the construction permit document and issuance of the updated permit or issuance of a negative response,
  • Submission of request for permission to resume halted construction and issuance of the permit or issuance of a negative response,
  • Submission of notification of contractor, principal construction area managers' hiring or appointment and notification of registration of the notification or issuance of a negative response,
  • Submission of request for issuance of a construction completion certificate and issuance of the certificate or issuance of a negative response,
  • Only registered declarations about completion of construction of building(s), part(s) thereof / change of designated use of building(s), part(s) thereof / premises, submission and registration of the declaration,
  • Submission, approval, and registration of declarations by experts about completion of construction of building(s), part(s) thereof / change of designated use of building(s), part(s) thereof / premises,
  • Submission, approval, and registration of expert-certified certificates about construction of building(s) without deviations from essential project decisions,
  • Submission and registration of certificates about demolition of unfinished building(s) or reconstruction,
  • Submission for issuance of a certificate about demolition of a building and issuance of the certificate or issuance of a negative response,
  • Submission of request to extend the deadline for executing a mandatory order / mandatory order to remove consequences of unauthorized construction and confirmation of this extension or issuance of a negative response,
  • Submission of notification about compliance with mandatory order,
  • Submission of request for permission to perform building conservation works and issuance of this permit or issuance of a negative response,
  • Submission of documents and data for allocation, change, or cancellation of property numbers for objects,
  • Submission of request to register immovable property and property rights, legal facts or change data of immovable property register and submission of documents confirming property rights, legal facts appearance,
  • Submission of request to revoke the validity of a document issued by the State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate under the Ministry of Environment or municipality administration, cancellation of the validity of this document, and notification of its cancellation or issuance of a negative response,
  • Submission of request to correct errors in a document,
  • Update information about the builder(s) in the construction permit document,
  • Registration of certificates about construction of unfinished or uncomplicated building(s).

Services meniu access


For inquiries regarding the use of the external website, please contact the Information Systems Management Division of the State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate under the Ministry of Environment via email at infostatyba@vtpsi.lt or by calling the general consultation phone number 85-2073333 (after connecting, press '2').

For inquiries regarding the document issuance process and application of legislation, please contact the State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate under the Ministry of Environment's general consultation phone number 85-2073333 (after connecting, press '1'). Consultations are available from Monday to Thursday, from 8:00 to 12:00.

Working hours of the State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate under the Ministry of Environment: Monday to Thursday 8:00–17:00; Friday 8:00–15:45. Lunch break from 12:00 to 12:45.