TPS Vartai” is an information system designed to provide comprehensive access to various services related to land planning and construction in Lithuania. It operates on the principle of a “single window,” allowing users to access and obtain services across different areas through a single login. The portal integrates several key systems, including the Lithuanian Republic’s Territorial Planning Documents Register (TPDR), the State Supervision Information System for Territorial Planning Document Preparation and Planning Process (TPDRIS), the Territorial Planning Monitoring Information System (TPSIS), the State Construction Permits and Construction Supervision Information System “Infostatyba” (IS “Infostatyba”), the Topography and Engineering Infrastructure Information System (TIIIS), and the Land Information System (ŽIS). TPS “Vartai” facilitates electronic administrative services related to topography, engineering infrastructure management, territorial planning, construction, state land administration, and the implementation of functions related to state land trusteeship.
„Planning“ area services:
- Service for the Preparation and Approval of Territorial Planning Documents (TPDRIS).
- Service for the Registration of Territorial Planning Documents (TPDR).
- Service for Creating Implementation Contracts of Registered Territorial Planning Document Solutions (TPDRIS).
- Service for Changing the Purpose and/or Method of Land Use (TPDRIS).
- Registration of changes in primary land use purpose and/or mode in the Real Estate Register (NTR).
„Monitoring“ area services:
- Service for obtaining relevant information (TPS „Vartai“)
- Event subscription service (TPS „Vartai“)
- Spatial data provision service for territorial planning documents (TPDRIS, TPDR)
- Service for submitting proposals regarding territorial planning documents (TPDRIS)
- Service for providing extracts from territorial planning documents (TPDR)
- Service for searching and reviewing of prepared and approved territorial planning documents (TPDRIS, TPDR)
„Measuring“ area services:
- Spatial data submission of topographic and engineering network plans for inspection and processing
- Topographic and engineering infrastructure spatial data and related information acquisition
- Providing information about planned installation of electronic communication infrastructure and related data to the public
„Building“ area services:
- The integrated electronic service „Statau nama“
- The issuance of construction permits
- Declaration on completion of construction works /change of purpose (only to be registered)
- Approval of the declaration on the completion of the construction of the building (s), its (their) part (s) / change of purpose of the building (s), its (their) part (s) / premises (es)
- Approval of the certificate on the construction of the building (s) without deviations from the essential solutions of the building design
- The registration of notice of commencement of construction, hiring of contractor and hiring or appointment of managers in major construction areas
- Issuance of special requirements
- Information the public about planned design of structures
- Approval of project proposals
- Revocation of the validity of a document
- The isuance of construction completion act
- Certificate of unfinished construction or reconstruction of simple repairs of construction works
- Registration of a certificate of demolition of an unfinished building(s)
- Error correction in a document
- Issue of access terms
- The request to update information on the builder (s) in the construction permit
- The request to update information on the builder(s) in the construction permit (when the construction permit is not issued by IS "Infostatyba")
- Request to Extend the Temporary Building Use Period Specified in the Construction Permit Document
- Registration/deregistration of the immovable property (real property) and rights to it (the rights of ownership) or modification of the immovable property cadastral and registry data
- Providing documents and information in order to assign replace or repeal numbers to building address
- Extension of the deadline for the execution of a mandatory order to eliminate the consequences of unauthorized construction
- Extension of the deadline for the execution of a mandatory order to eliminate violations
- The issuence of a certificate of demolition of a structure
- Permit for structures (buildings, constructions) in the territorial water (water over which Lithuania’s State has jurisdiction), its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf
- Issuance of construction permits to build ‘special’ and ‘non-special’ type of object in the coastal zone
- Issued permission for nuclear construction / object reconstruction, overhaul or demolition
- The issuance of permit to continue the suspended construction
- Permit to perform conservation work of structure
- The registration of the notification of the execution of a mandatory order to eliminate violation
- The registration of the notification of the execution of a mandatory order to eliminate consequences of unauthorised construction
- Coordination of conditions of the architectural competition
- Provision of expert examination
- Registration of the Building (or its part) Expertise Report
- Registration of the Project (or its part) Expertise Report
TPS „Vartai“:
- Manager: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
- Administrator: Construction Sector Development Agency
The creation of the TPS “Vartai” and the associated e-services was carried out through the implementation of three distinct but interconnected projects
- Topografijos ir inžinerinės infrastruktūros informacinės sistemos ir naujų el. paslaugų sukūrimas ir įdiegimas Nr. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0007.
- Pažangių elektroninių paslaugų, susijusių su statyba ir statybos valstybine priežiūra, plėtra Nr. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0006.
- Pažangių elektroninių paslaugų, susijusių su teritorijų planavimu, plėtra (EPTP) Nr. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0004.